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Nutrients to regulate serotonin: Importance of the gut-brain axis

Relationship of the gut-brain axis

Bidirectional communication between the gut microbiota and the central nervous system (CNS) affect levels of serotonin, the “happiness hormone”, which is why there are nutrients to regulate serotonin.

In addition, 90% of the serotonin needed to regulate mood, behavior, sleep and other CNS functions is produced in the gut.

Sources of nutrients to regulate serotonin:

  • Include foods rich in tryptophan.
    It is an essential amino acid that acts as a precursor of serotonin in the brain. It is found in foods such as meats, dairy products, eggs, nuts and seeds.
  • Prefer complex carbohydrates.
    They help facilitate the transport of tryptophan to the brain.
  • Include foods rich in vitamins B6 and B12.
    They act as cofactors in the enzymatic reactions involved in its synthesis. Their deficiency is associated with low serotonin levels.
  • Consume foods rich in antioxidants.
    They protect the brain from oxidative stress, a situation in which serotonin production is negatively affected.

Factors affecting serotonin levels:

In addition to diet, several factors influence the regulation of serotonin levels.
Exposure to sunlight plays a key role, as it stimulates its production in the brain.
Regular physical activity also contributes by promoting the release of tryptophan, an amino acid precursor of serotonin. Conversely, chronic stress and lack of sleep can reduce serotonin levels, affecting mood and general well-being.

Factors such as excessive caffeine consumption, alcohol and high levels of inflammation can also alter its production. Adopting healthy habits, such as a balanced diet, proper sleep hygiene and stress management, can promote its production in a natural way and contribute to emotional well-being.

Nutrients to regulate serotonin

Written by: Nutritionist Andrés Izurieta

Bibliographic citations:

Yolanda S. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. 2023. La conexión entre el intestino y el cerebro puede proteger la salud mental.

@NatGeoES. National Geographic. 2024. ¿Qué es la serotonina y cómo podemos aumentar sus niveles?

Zamoscik V, Schmidt SNL, Bravo R, Ugartemendia L, Plieger T, Rodríguez AB, et al. Tryptophan-enriched diet or 5-hydroxytryptophan supplementation given in a randomized controlled trial impacts social cognition on a neural and behavioral level. Sci Rep. 4 de noviembre de 2021;11(1):21637.

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