Picky Eater Test

Picky Eater Test: Food Selectivity Issues

If your child constantly refuses certain foods, avoids new foods or has a very limited diet, perform the Picky Eater Test. Identifying this behavior early allows you to apply appropriate strategies to improve their relationship with food.

It’s a tool based on the Selective Eating Questionnaire (SEQ), which assesses food selectivity in children. Through a series of statements, parents can determine if their child shows signs of picky eating and to what degree.

Then rate each statement by selecting the option that best describes your child’s behavior:
Score: Never = 1, Rarely = 2, Sometimes = 3, Often = 4, Always = 5

Selective Eating Questionnaire (SEQ Adaptation) – Picky Eater Test

Interpretation of results:

  • 7 – 14 points: Normal eating behavior. Selectivity does not appear to be a problem.
  • 15 – 24 points: Possible tendency toward selective eating. Observe eating habits and encourage variety.
  • 25 – 35 points: Indicative of selective eating. It is recommended to seek professional advice to guide the process.

According to Nemours KidsHealth, a selective eating disorder (Picky Eaters) can cause a deficit in the intake of calories, proteins, carbohydrates, etc. Related to malnutrition problems, leading to:

  • Needing tube feeding and nutritional supplements.
  • Problems of low weight and in severe cases of height.
  • Delayed puberty.

If the results of the Picky Eater Test indicate picky eating, it is important to adopt appropriate strategies.
For which, I recommend reading this publication: Picky eater: What to do when a child won’t eat?

Several factors may influence the development of picky eating in children:

  • Some children may have increased sensitivity to tastes, smells, or textures of foods.
  • Early exposure to a variety of foods during complementary feeding is crucial for developing healthy food acceptance.
  • Parents’ eating habits influence children’s preferences and behaviors.
  • A relaxed and positive environment facilitates acceptance of new foods, while pressures and punishments can lead to rejection.

In my experience as a nutritionist, I have observed that many eating habits associated with picky eating originate from parental practices.
During the introduction of complementary feeding, some parents limit the variety of foods offered, do not set specific times and places for meals, or create a negative experience around feeding.
This can contribute to children developing rejection of certain foods.
Therefore, it is essential to educate parents and caregivers to promote a healthy relationship with food from infancy, rather than blaming children for their food preferences.

Picky Eater

Written by: Nutritionist Andrés Izurieta

Fernandez C, DeJesus JM, Miller AL, Appugliese DP, Rosenblum KL, Lumeng JC, et al. Selective eating behaviors in children: An observational validation of parental report measures. Appetite. 2018.

NemoursKidsHealth. Trastorno de alimentación restrictivo o selectivo.

Venkatesh S, DeJesus JM. Can children report on their own picky eating? Similarities and differences with parent report. Appetite. 2022.

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