Picky Eater Test

Picky Eater Test: Food Selectivity Issues

If your child constantly refuses certain foods, avoids new foods or has a very limited diet, perform the Picky Eater Test. Identifying this behavior early allows you to apply appropriate strategies to improve their relationship with food. What is the Picky Eater Test? It’s a tool based on the Selective Eating Questionnaire (SEQ), which assesses…

Iron-rich foods for kids

Iron-rich foods for kids

Offering iron-rich foods ensures proper growth and development of the child. Iron supports brain function, energy production and oxygen transportation.In addition, low iron levels can cause anemia, fatigue and cognitive problems. That is why it is important to know the best food sources and how to improve its absorption through nutritional strategies. The best iron-rich…

Start complementary feeding: The best first foods

Start complementary feeding: The best first foods

The introduction of complementary foods is a crucial milestone in infant nutrition. According to current WHO recommendations, infants should start consuming solid foods around 6 months of age, when they have developed the milestones or signs to initiate complementary feeding. This is especially important for breastfed infants, as breast milk alone is no longer sufficient…

Start complementary feeding: Are you ready?

Start complementary feeding: Are you ready?

Most infants start complementary feeding around 6 months of age. However, according to the Manual de Nutrición de la Asociación Española de Pediatría 2021, it may start at 5 months or it may be necessary to wait until 7 months, depending on whether the baby has reached developmental milestones. What are the signs to start…