Iron-rich foods for kids

Offering iron-rich foods ensures proper growth and development of the child. Iron supports brain function, energy production and oxygen transportation.
In addition, low iron levels can cause anemia, fatigue and cognitive problems. That is why it is important to know the best food sources and how to improve its absorption through nutritional strategies.

Iron is found in two forms:
Heme iron, present in foods of animal origin, is more easily absorbed. The best sources are lean meats, poultry and fish.
On the other hand, non-heme iron comes from plant foods and fortified products. For example: lentils, beans, spinach, quinoa, tofu, nuts, enriched cereals.
However, non-heme iron is less easily absorbed, so strategies must be implemented to improve its absorption.

best iron-rich foods

Eating foods rich in vitamin C together with foods containing iron promotes its absorption. Citrus fruits, peppers and tomatoes are excellent choices.
Conversely, foods rich in calcium can reduce iron absorption. Therefore, dairy products, if consumed near iron-rich foods, decrease its utilization. Also, tea and coffee contain compounds that interfere with absorption and should be limited.

Foods rich in vitamin C

Most children meet their daily iron requirements through food. However, these are the situations for which I have needed to supplement iron as a nutritionist.

  • Iron deficiency anemia (IDA): being the most common cause, read this article.
  • Premature infants: have an elevated risk of iron deficiency.
  • Low iron diet: especially due to selectivity problems and food rejection (picky eater).
  • Low birth weight.
  • Specific conditions that increase the risk of iron deficiency, such as: chronic diseases like chronic renal failure and heart failure.

Iron is vital for children’s health. It promotes growth, energy and brain function. Remember to include foods that are sources of iron and strategies to improve iron absorption to prevent deficiencies. If you think your child needs supplementation, it is important to do so under the supervision of a professional.
If you need more information you can contact me through my social networks.

Written by: Nutritionist Andrés Izurieta

Raleigh MF, Yano AS, Shaffer NE. Anemia in Infants and Children: Evaluation and Treatment. Am Fam Physician. 2024.

Rehman T, Agrawal R, Ahamed F, Das S, Mitra S, Kumar D, et al. Optimal dose and duration of iron supplementation for treating iron deficiency anaemia in children and adolescents: A systematic review and meta-analysis. PLoS One. 2025.

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