Start complementary feeding: Are you ready?

Most infants start complementary feeding around 6 months of age. However, according to the Manual de Nutrición de la Asociación Española de Pediatría 2021, it may start at 5 months or it may be necessary to wait until 7 months, depending on whether the baby has reached developmental milestones.

What are the signs to start complementary feeding?

These are the signs to start:

  • Shows active interest in food
  • The extrusion reflex (pushing out objects or food with the tongue) disappears.
  • Is able to bring food or objects to the mouth with the hand.
  • Sits alone or with light support.

If most of these signs are present, your baby is ready to start. In this publication you can find the best first foods.

Baby start complementary feeding

If you need more information about complementary feeding, you can contact me through my social networks.

Written by: Nutritionist Andrés Izurieta

Bibliographic citations:

EFSA Panel on Nutrition, Novel Foods and Food Allergens (NDA), Castenmiller J, de Henauw S, Hirsch-Ernst KI, Kearney J, Knutsen HK, et al. Appropriate age range for introduction of complementary feeding into an infant’s diet. Septiembre de 2019

Manual de Nutrición | Asociación Española de Pediatría [Internet]. 2021

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